Monday, March 26, 2007

Imagining Songs

It seems as if water was falling from a lake. As I heard the first part of the song, what first came to my mind was a girl drinking water in a forest. This happened beside a lake or something. This girl was a poor, beautiful, and kind girl that lived near the forest. Then, I imagined the girl running looking for someone or something. I also imagined that in her way, she encounters many obstacles, like animals or enemies who try to atack her but at the end she always beat them. At the end, I imagined the girl etering a castle and getting rewarded. The king rewarded her by marrying his son, the prince. They both loved each other from a long time ago so they were both very happy. Finally, she realizes that the music she was been hearing was from a group of musicians from outside the castle. The day of the wedding the girl looked awesome. She was always beautiful, but this day she was even more. She had a very long white dress with her beautiful hair under a veil. The music that played as she entered the church, was the same music she heard the day she was rewarded with who was now going to be her husband.

The second one made me think on the farms and the cowboys dancing with their hats and their ropes. It remembered me a movie, I dont remember the name, that showed some cowboys dancing with hats like those from Mexico and then they entered a place like a restaurant that is tipic from the cowboys. This place is like all in wood and to enter the bathrooms there arer special doors that when you push them they don't stop moving. In this place all the cowboys drink beer and most of the time, in movies, in here is the place where the people always end up fighting.

The third song made me remember sad moments in movies. It made me remember the tipic moment of most movies. The main character is sad so he takes a taxi and it is raining so you see the rain plus the tears in the face of the person. The movie that mainly reminded me was The Parent Trap. It made me remember when the girls, afte the camp, reunite their parents but then they went each home. At the end, everyone gets living together so it is really happy. The end of the song reminds me the palenqueras from here in Cartagena singing in the beach.

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